eye allergies
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I am suffering from EYE Allergy and get me some medicine from my doctor. He said I would be ok after the treatment but six months later I may caught by allergy again. Is there any permanent solution for eye allergies?In Eye Health -Asked by : emptybot -2 answers -05/21/2012Related Topics : eye health
I have really bad allergies and dont want to see my doctor and pay to get a prescription for eye drops. Are there any over the counter eye drops for allergy i can buy?In Eye Health -Asked by : Christopher -2 answers -05/22/2012Related Topics : eye drops
Many people get eye allergies around springtime, so do I. my eyes are itchy and irritated. It is not pink eye. Are my problems is a symptom of eye allergy? What can I do to treat them?In Eye Health -Asked by : crazycowgirl89 -3 answers -08/27/2012Related Topics : eye health
My eyes got allergies. Is there some natural way to treat my allergies eyes without taking drugs? Help!In Eye Health -Asked by : Paul Hathone -3 answers -09/18/2012
I wonder if eye allergies can be in only one eye? Why?In Eye Health -Asked by : Kimberly quick -2 answers -09/18/2012
I have small eyes. i always make up my eyes with eyeliner and mascara. My friends told me that makeup can cause eye allergies. Is that true? Why?In Eye Health -Asked by : Ryan evelyn -3 answers -09/19/2012
I was diagnosed with eye allergies. And now, i feel sensitive to light. Is that caused by eye allergy?In Eye Health -Asked by : creatingme -3 answers -09/19/2012Related Topics : light sensitivity
To keep my child away from prevent eye allergy, I want to know what can cause eye allergy in children? Thank you.In Eye Health -Asked by : Dip -5 answers -09/20/2012
I got allergies several days ago. Now, my eyes appear puffiness. Can you give me some ideas to reduce such puffiness?In Eye Health -Asked by : Caitlin lee -3 answers -09/25/2012Related Topics : puffy eyes
My eyes got allergies in recent days. Can i still wear my contact lenses? Or what type of contact lenses are best for me?In Contacts -Asked by : VANESSA -3 answers -09/28/2012Related Topics : contacts
I heard that allergies can also make people feel eye dry. So if i fell eye dry, how can i tell if they are dry eyes or allergies? What are their differences?In Eye Health -Asked by : eeelisa814 -3 answers -12/06/2012Related Topics : dry eyes
I got eye allergies. It is really very uncomfortable on my eyes. Can you tell me how to get rid of it naturally? Please help. I want the real answer.In Eye Health -Asked by : Eric quick -3 answers -12/16/2012
Can people with eye allergies also feel dry eyes? I mean, is it possible to lead to dry eyes because of eye allergies?In Eye Health -Asked by : elliekate825 -3 answers -01/15/2013Related Topics : dry eyes
Can eye allergies lead to dizziness? Does this happen?In Eye Health -Asked by : elderoo -3 answers -01/15/2013Related Topics : dizziness eye health
I suffer eye allergies, and my eyes feel so painful. So, i just want to know if eye allergies can lead to the pain of eyes? Why?In Eye Health -Asked by : Michael anderson -3 answers -01/15/2013Related Topics : pain eye eye problems
Can i get eye allergies from high blood pressure? Is this possible? If so, how can prevent it?In Eye Health -Asked by : Michelle -3 answers -01/23/2013Related Topics : high blood pressure
Is it possible to cause allergy eyes in the sun? If not, why my eyes so allergic when i in the sun?In Eye Health -Asked by : Elvis Presley -2 answers -01/23/2013Related Topics : eye health
My friend said that dust mites can cause eye allergies, is it possible ? Any suggestion?In Eye Health -Asked by : Alexa -2 answers -02/18/2013
I have eye allergy. Any way can help me to treat it? Does acupuncture work?In Eye Health -Asked by : Justin fergus -3 answers -02/26/2013Related Topics : acupuncture
People say that stringy eye discharge can usually cause your eye allergies, is that true?In Eye Health -Asked by : walkinginstars -2 answers -06/05/2013Related Topics : eye discharge