I have known that nerves in brain will strike with unreasonable and excessive using. Eh, it sounds weird. But it is true. Nerves in our brains like main engine control the whole human movements. When the main engine doesn't work, we cannot paly computers any more. Just like that, we can hardly to get well when we feel tired because tired. In details, when nerves that govern our eye movements cannot give clear orders due to tired, our brain will slow down. Naturally, you will not get the eyes tracking on something quickly. Then the proper times to get right images are missed and we are refused to get a single image. In addition, tired not only affects vision, but also affects our body reaction. Tired can cause clouding of consciousness and attention-deficit disorder, then we are easy to hurt ourselves, even loss our life. In addition, eye tired is the basic factor that causes eye problems, such as pink eyes and dry eyes. Good rest is really essential to enjoy.