Yes, there are many restrictions that you need to know before this cataract surgery. The cataract surgery usually only takes 15 minutes but patient need to stay in hospital for about 90 minutes, for the doctor need to make preparation for surgery and post-surgery evaluation. You can't drive home until the day after your surgery. During the healing and recovery period, you need to protect your eyes carefully. Don't get water into your eyes, because the open wound in your eyes makes it very easy to get infected. Don't go to swim within two weeks after this surgery. Don’t travel by plane until at least 5days later. Avoid bending, exercising, or weight lifting over 25 pounds or any similar sports. It is a must to wear protective eye wear for the first week after surgery while sleeping. If you need to go to any place with too bright lights or sunrays, it is a must to wear special sunglasses for 1 year to avoid any scarring.