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Erin rupert


Is it weird to wear sunglasses at night?

I have really sensitive eyes to light so I have to wear sunglasses. Will people think I am too weird?
Related Topics : Sunglasses sensitive eyes
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Answers (5)

  • Kaylee


    It seems weird to see people wearing sunglasses at night. But it is necessary for people when driving at night to wear night vision sunglasses. It helps them see clearly during drive in a hazard light environment. Besides, for some people who sensitive to light or have some vision problems, wearing sunglasses are necessary. So, there are still some people wearing sunglasses at night.
  • emale2222


    Yes. People will think you are werid to wear sunglasses at night. I don't think wearing sunglasses at night is a good idea unless you are famous and want to wear sunglasses at night to make you look like a wannabe. Otherwise wearing sunglasses at night do make you look werid and you will be ridiculed by others. Besides, wearing sunglasses at night make things difficult to see, thus you might get a headache from this.
  • Christian


    Well, of course it's wired to wear sunglasses at night, which may make other people pay more attention on you because they think you are strange and wondering if you are trying to cover yourself for something. But of course if you got hurt or something ugly that you really don't want people to see it and the sunglasses can help to cover, it's fine to wear a pair of sunglasses anyway.
  • Connor nelson


    Well, of course it's wired to wear sunglasses at night, which may make other people put more attention on you because they think you are strange and wondering if you are trying to cover yourself for something. But of course if you got hurt or something ugly that you really don't want people to see it and the sunglasses can help to cover, it is fine to wear a pair of sunglasses anyway.
  • bjmcfarland


    It's not weird to wear singlasss at night; I wore them when riding my motorcycle and people would n stay away from me and not tailgaste me. People don't give motorcylest the respect on the road they deserve. There fore wear sunglasses at night