Hot compress does help!
First of all, you should know how serious is your problem.
What are the symptoms of eye cyst?
The symptoms of eye cyst include: discoloration, discharge, discomfort when blinking, itchiness ,eye crust, pain, eyelid swelling, redness, and lumps on eyelids or around eyes.
If your lumps are not big and you don't feel pain, itchy, or uncomfortable for it. It's not very serious. So you just leave them alone and they are likely to disappear themselves. However, if they are too big or have other symptoms, you can
1. turn to dripping antibiotic eye drops and applying antibiotic eye paste.
2.Try to find out the cause of the eye cyst. If it is because of allergy, take some antiallergic medicine. If it is because inflammation, use anti-inflammatory drug.
3. Apart from the medicine you use, you need hot compresses in the mornings and at nights until you recover.
4. If all the steps above don't work, you must have a surgery to have it removed.