About this saying, I need to explain a little bit more than just yes or no. What is the so called glaucoma? Glaucoma is caused by increased pressure in eyes, which will kill optic nerves in eyes and finally lead to vision loss. Caffeine is a stimulant which can impact our central nerve system. For some healthy people, it seems OK to drink some coffee, through which you would intake caffeine. Intake some caffeine doesn't cause any complications to the healthy individuals. But it can surely increase intraocular pressure, which will higher the risk of optic nerves damages. For healthy people, the pressure increased by caffeine might last for 3-4 hours depending on how much you intakes. If you don't drink too much coffee per day, it should be OK. It will not directly lead to glaucoma, but it will increase the risks. If you have glaucoma, you need to quit coffee at once. If you don't have glaucoma, then try to control your caffeine intake amount.