Yes, I think so. Vitamin E is a fat-solube vitamin, which is well known for its antioxidant function. Thus many researches show it could be taken as supplement for preventing or treatment many kinds of conditions. Vitamin E helps our body regulate retinol level, which is critical to skin health. Wrinkles are inevitable for us. It is the combination of many factors, which we are doing every day, for example smile, laugh, cry, and squint and so on. As we age, we are losing collagen, so that our muscle and skin is less elastic day by day. Although they are inevitable, yet we still can do something to make them etch less and lighter as late as possible. This is exactly what women, including some men, concern about greatly. Vitamin E can slow down the aging process of skin. It can fight against damages from free radicals and make skin younger and radiant and also protect skin from photoaging. This is how it works. When you use vitamin E oil to help reduce eye wrinkles, you'd better massage your skin to help absorption so that it could be more effective.