It is hard to say whether your friend is born with hooded eyes or not. There are five reasons for hooded eyes happening. First, hooded eyes may caused by born congenital small eyeballs and the atrophy of our eyeballs. Second, hooded eyes can be caused by paralysis of nervus sympatheticus . When you got this, your eye socket and musculi orbitalis slide, which make your face droop and contract your eyelid. That leads to hooded eyes. Third, when orbital fat disappears, it can cause hooded eyes as well. But this often happens to old people after they have facial surgery. Fourth, hooded eyes can caused by external injury. When the button bone of orbit broken, the orbit expends. So it leads to hooded eyes. Fifth, the excessive contraction of rectus muscle can lead to hooded eyes. This often happens to people after they have strabismus surgery. So hooded eyes are a problem you should pay attention to and you should ask your friend to go to see a doctor.