Thanks for taking the time to ask and it is important to discuss this with your eye doctor. The value of dilating the eyes is the improved examination that your eye doctor is able to get due to the dilation. In general, he or she has a difficult job of examining the back of your eye due to the extremely small window that he or she is forced to look through. The dilation causes this window to open significantly, allowing for improved visualization of the back part of the eye. If you have had new or troublesome symptoms, or are going to see your eye doctor as part of diabetes management, for example, it may be imperative that your doctor examine the back of your eye. This part of the examination allows for earlier diagnosis and intervention of problems that may be happening or starting in this area. You should definitely speak with your doctor, however, as there are alternatives that may be appropriate or acceptable in your situation and with your level of risk and complexity. Each patient is different, and the absolute need for dilating your eyes may be different than for a different patient. Please speak with your doctor, and a phone call before hand may be appropriate.