The vitamin C is also called the L - Ascorbic Acid which is a kind of water-soluble vitamins. The food Vitamin C is the human body on the small section absorption. Once absorbed, it will give the distribution to the body. All the water has soluble structure. Most of the Vitamin C in the body metabolism of the decomposed into oxalic Acid and sulfuric Acid or with generation Ascorbic Acid - 2 - sulfuric Acid by urine. The other part can be directly changed by urine in vitro. The vitamin C will be so beneficial for the whole body which will make the eyes keep moisture. The vitamin C helps consolidate cell tissue which is helpful to the synthesis of collagen. It may strong bones and teeth which still can prevent bleeding gums, long-term use of the teeth and so on. If you get the cataracts, the food with vitamin C will moisture your eyes and improve your whole immune system. It is really a necessary one for people with cataracts.