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hot Chinese Women

And a Chinese guy are hired at a building site

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LongAn italian, a definite Scotsmsomen, . He asks an italian man,, "Why didn you sweep associated with the it,

He responds "I no hava no push broom, You saida to the Chinese guy that he wasa ina control of supplies, But he hasa faded and I no coulda finda him nowhere,

The foreman turns with Scotsman and says, "which means you, i think overall I told you to shovel this pile,

He replied, "Aye, Ye do you know lad, small bit ah couldnae git masel a shuvl! Ye left thon wee Chinese mannie in chairge of provides, [url=]russian brides photos[/url] Bit ah couldnae fin the pup onywhar,

The foreman is really pissed off now and storms off towards the pile of sand to look for the Chinese guy. As he ideas the mound, The Chinese guy leaps out from behind the sand and yellsGrandfather born in Japan had a faster and easier time picking up Shanghainese than my grandmother from Northern China, identical.

which may be true, But if it is it had nothing related him being a Japanese speaker. japanese and Chinese (this sort of Shanghainese) Are as unrelated as Chinese and English that is to say, They share no common ancestor and the grammar/core vocab of the two is radically different. American English also uses this sound as a variances of /td/ in words like "Butter" possibly "eddy, whereby the word it is or what sounds it next to), you'll take pride in varies between different speakers/dialects. Many speakers do actually use a sound that can seem nearly the same as /l/, Particularly at the start of a word. This actually makes it even more complicated for Japanese speakers to notice the difference between the two, Because for them it all seen as the same sound. It significantly like how in English, the very /k/ in "cot" and also /k/ in "scot" have always been different sounds, But to us they seem the same.

Standard Mandarin actually has both an /l/ sound and an /r/ sound that can be similar to a regular English /r/, So for Mandarin speakers distinct the two shouldn be hard. Cantonese speakers but only have /l/.
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