I think it is important to know what has caused eczema on your eyes. Some may suffer eczema as a result of stimulating medications applied on the eyes, such as penicillin, aktisol-weiss, atropine, etc. or using cosmetics or wearing metal glasses over a long period of time. Some suffer eczema as a response of medicines for oral administration such as hypnagogue, tranquillizer, antibiotics, quinine, etc. and some get eczema because they intake some animlity protein or vegetalitas protein, such as fish, shrimp, meat, milk or egg. Under such circumstances, you should keep yourself away from these substances. Also, conjunctivitis can cause eczema, if so, you can drip some eyedrops. Do not take pungent diets and do not drink alcohol. Eat more fresh vegetables and fruits. Remember not to rub your eyes with your hands. Wish you recover soon.