Generally speaking, puffy eyes are swelling under eyes. The skin around the eyes is very thin and is full of blood vessels which make it very sensitive. Sometimes puffy eyes can go away in minutes, while sometimes you need to take some remedies for them. Puffy eyes can be caused by many factors: fluid retention, stress, allergies and hormone changes. Use cold, refrigerated used tea bags to remove puffiness, or apply some eye creams on the puffiness. Also, drink plenty of water to clean out your system and limit sodium intake are also remedies for puffy eyes. In addition, massage is also a great new way to remove them. You can massage the skin around your eyes with some aromatherapy oils which help with reduce pressure in blood vessels and take some supplements for skin. But you need massage the skin gently because the skin around eyes are so thin and easily gather fats. All in all, massage really works for puffy eyes. The effect is so prominent.