It is definitely not ok to do so. Stye is caused by blocked glands on eyelids. Which are responsible for tear production. Once the glands are blocked, oil builds up and get a lump formed on eyelid margin. Sometimes it develops to a lump with a whitish or yellow spot on the top of it. I also want to sqeeze it just like squeezing a pimple. Yet it will cause pain as well as infection of the glands and eyes. Recommend you some useful home remedies for a stye. You could apply some warm compress on eyes. Warm saline solution should be good. The warmth can help rupture the stye and speed up the recovery. Use the cotton bud soak with some alcohol to rub the diseased eyelid margin. You can feel the heat that alcohol bring to your eyelid, but don't open your eyes otherwise your eyes would be irritated by the alcohol. Get someone to help you with it. Instill some over-the-counter antibiotics ointment is an effective method too.