Visually impaired people, whether they are totally blind or have some degree of useful vision may, at times, require the assistance of a sighted guide.When approaching a blind person, initiate the greeting using a normal tone of voice. Identify yourself and then inquire if your assistance is desired. If so, touch your hand to the back of their hand as a signal or them to take your arm.Avoid pulling blind people by the hand or tugging at their sleeves. It is awkward and confusing. Simply offer your assistance and they will tell you the best way to guide them. Let them know when you are coming to a curb and whether you will be stepping up or down.You should tell the blind person when they are approaching a door and in which direction the door opens. For example, the guide would say "the door opens to the left and towards us". In this case, the blind person would then free their left hand in order to hold the door and to close it, as may be required.