Hi there, You have a pretty nice website, I find it quite a nice read But did you notice that it loads pretty slow? At least for me. It actually took me 7 seconds to have it fully loaded with high speed internet connection, and that is pretty much when it comes to websites. I am kind of an expert when it comes to website speeds in connection to the hosting package. Truth be told, I have went through more than 10 different hosting companies till now. I find that two of them are always coming on top, each the best in its sector. The first one is interserver, if you're looking for a cheaper option. They currently have a promotion for 3 months worth of hosting for just $1 but with black friday or other holidays, this price could become even lower if you can believe You can read more about Interserver's offers here: https://www.thepricer.org/visit/interserver/ There is also a more expensive but more reliable option, called siteground. They come with a fully managed hosting solution, that will fix any probleems you will have. They also have some great servers, making your website load in less than a second. You can learn about SiteGround's offers from here: https://www.thepricer.org/visit/siteground-hosting/ My advice would be not to waste any more time with bad hosting, because a slow website will cost you search engine rankings, user experience, and ultimately money. Get a new hosting ASAP!