Blinking 15-16 times in one minute is a normal situation, which could help clean the surface of our eyeball. Yet if the frequency of blinking increases to 30-40 times per minute, it is a condition termed as excessive blinking. Blinking could transport tears, which are produced by tear glands in the upper eyelid, to the surface of eyeball. Tears could kill bacteria and help wash our eyeball. Excessive blinking could happen to one eye or both. Looking for the cure to stop it, we have to know the roots for it. Dryness of eyes, presence of foreign objective, eyelid spasms, eyesight problems, brain disorders and anxiety could all lead to excessive blinking. If it is caused by dryness, take some eye drops and drink a large quantity of water could help relieve it. In some cases, the symptoms just go without any treatment. It is not worrisome. But if your symptoms keep staying, I suggest you go to hospital to find out the exact reason for proper treatment. After all, if it is caused by brain disorders, it is complicated more than we could understand. Taking good care of our eyes is a must.