You probably gave your cornea or inner eyelid a chemical irritant or even a burn. The chemicals in deodorants vary brand to brand, and some also have antiperspirants in them, which are also chemically toxic to tissues in the eyes and eyelids. You should be certain you have removed all of the deodorant from your eye. Deodorants are designed to withstand ordinary moisture that would normally rinse the chemicals will notice that you actually have to use soap under your arms to wash deodorant off. Generally, on your own, the best thing to do with most foreign items that get into the eyes is rinse them out under the faucet. It makes them feel dry and hurts some to do that, but it usually is the best thing to do...unless the item's packaged warnings says not to rinse it. Provided you didn't do too much damage, the eye will generally heel within two or three days. The eye lids may take several days. If you have not regained your normal vision within a week, or you have any odd discharge whether it is discolored or perfectly clear (like the eye is weeping or matted over with mucus) you must see a doctor or you could lose the vision in that eye entirely.