Well, in some cases, it can be normal for many people. So you should know that it is not just your own problem. As we know that the experts call it as the photic sneeze reflex. And according to some researches, about 20% of the population has this kind of symptom. Generally speaking, when you look at a bright light after coming out of a dark room and you have this irresistible urge to start sneezing. And at the same, it happens to sun too. as we know that when you look at the sun, your pupil closes up and it gets much smaller in order to stop as much light getting into your eye. But on the other hand, sometimes this can get a bit muddled up with the bit of the brain that thinks that your nose must be irritating. At this moment, it leads to a sneeze instead. So maybe you should not stare at the sun by using your naked eyes, and wearing sunglasses with UV protected is also important.