Garlic is one of the best natural antibiotics, which can do preventive effect to many diseases. Eating moderate accounts of it is benefit to our health indeed. But it also does harm to people who have the eye diseases or headaches. Some persons loving to eat garlic will gradually feel eye sore, vision loss, and tinnitus, dry mouth, top-heavy and memory deterioration, etc. Most these symptoms are the results of having been eating the garlic for a long time. Therefore, in the countryside, there is a famous saying. That is, "the garlic has 100 benefits for one's body but for the eyes." So the medical science always stresses the importance of prohibited foods. The garlic, onion, ginger, hot pepper, caraway and konjac, etc are listed on the paper as the top risk food which may decrease the efficacy of drugs. All in all, develop a good habit of diet in your life is important.