Definitely uneven eyes dilated is not good.Doctors often use eye drops to dilate the pupils so that they can see the eye in better detail for eye examinations.
However there are lots of side effects ,so let me name a few.
Firstly,dilating drops usually make the eyes sting for a few seconds . The stinging can last for several minutes in patients with sensitive eyes. The drops cause small blood vessels to tighten, which can result in a temporary whitening of the skin around the eyes. Blurred vision is also connected.Your eyes may also water, itch or turn red, though these side effects usually resolve themselves shortly.
Secondly,Some pupil-dilating drops can cause skin-related side effects.
On top of that,internal side effects following the use of pupil-dilating eye drops are typically minor and resolve on their own, but always inform your doctor or seek medical attention if you experience internal side effects following eye drop use.