laser eye surgery is commonly performed by ophthalmologists to correct near-sightedness, far-sightedness and astigmatism.Lasik is the most commonly practiced form of laser eye surgery as it has a quick healing and recovery time and is generally less painful than other types of corrective eye surgery. Lasik involves the surgeon cutting and lifting a thin flap of corneal tissue. The tissue beneath is re-shaped using a laser, and the flap is replaced back over the cornea and left to heal. The procedure is done while the patient is awake and anesthetic eye drops are used to make the procedure painless. After surgery, dark eye shields are worn to minimize brightness for several days, and goggles are worn at night to prevent the eye being rubbed, thereby dislodging the flap. Eyedrops are used several times a day to reduce inflammation and the risk of infection. After surgery, the eyesight will gradually improve over the following weeks, reaching its optimum after 1-3 months. Majority of patients report 20/20 vision at their 2nd day surgery follow up.