Pink eye, also known as conjunctivitis, is the inflammation or infection of the eyelids. It is really uncomfortable and annoying. Put it brief, sleeping have no necessary relationship with the worsen of pink eyes. However, if you sleep with contact lenses, it will actually worsen your condition.
In most cases, pink eyes are caused by infections caused by bacteria. Besides, dry eyes also can lead to pink eyes. By the way, Exposure to wind and sun is likely to get pink eyes. At the same time, bacterial pinkeye is highly contagious and spread easily.
As a matter of fact, pink eyes can treat itself. You can also use eye drop to ease your pain. Remember not to wear makeup and contact lenses. Besides, do not go out if the weather is dry and windy, or you can wear sunglasses. At last, avoid sharing towels with others, and do not wear other's glasses.