Eye sensitivity to sunlight is a common problem experienced by many individuals. It is especially common in those with light colored eyes, as the lack of dark pigment allows more light to enter the eye and striking the retina. It sounds like this eye sensitivity is a fairly new problem for you. For this reason, I think it is important to get your eyes evaluated by an eye doctor. Any new or changing eye symptom needs to be checked out right away. Although it is possible that some of the change is due to common age, there are a number of eye conditions that can cause light sensitivity that will need to be ruled out. For example, on inflammation inside the inner structures of the eye, such as uveitis, can cause increased light sensitivity. This and similar conditions can be diagnosed by your doctor when they look inside your eye with a microscope, which is part of the regular eye exam. Similarly, there are numerous prescription medications that might cause increased light sensitivity, and your doctor will want to review your list of medications to see if one of them might be the culprit.