Well, from your description, your situation has something to do with the dry eyes. Many people have this kind of symptom. In other words, watery eyes can be a sign of having dry eyes. As we know that tears are for lubrication and for keeping your eyes clean. So when your tear glands don't work in a wrong order, it may develop dry eye syndrome. In other words, if your eyes become dry and uncomfortable, the tear glands react by producing large amounts of tears. Also, you should know that leaving away from the infection and allergies is an effective to get rid of your watery eyes, for they can be caused by hereditary, immune-mediated, drug-induced, chronic allergic eyelid disease. So for sake of safety, you can go and have some exam to make sure the situation. Anyway, you should pay more attention to the irritants, or it can lead to other eye diseases, such as the pink eyes. For you, I will suggest you go and see an eye doctor so that he can give some medical advices.