If you have dry eyes, your eyes will have sensation of dryness, foreign body sensation, burning sensation, gargalesthesia, photophoby, blurred vision, vision fluctuate, visual fatigue and no patience with environment full of smoke. Moreover, your eyes will become red as well. However, if you have pink eye, your eyes will feel dry, itchy and uncomfortable as if there are sand in your eyes. At the same time, you will feel your eyelids are too heavy for you to open and feel your eyes exhausted. When you wake up in the morning, there are eye secretions attached to your eyelids and white spumescent secretions in your eyes as well. If you turn over your eyelids, you will see your palpebral conjunctiva bloodshot, coarse and your vascular lake unclear. However, pink eye has the same symptom of bloodshot eyes. But you have to recognize that dry eyes is not inflammatory disease and it should not treated by anti-inflammatory eyedrops. And dry eye is different from pink eye because it is infectious disease and use anti-inflammatory eyedrops.