Most luxury designer goods are made to high-end quality while embodied the outstanding characteristics of times and national characteristic of a certain periods of times from telling various stories. These successes of excellent luxury goods are attributed to lots of devil's designers. Luxury sunglasses are the same with the other goods, they have very good workmanship; they choose the high quality material and perfect clipping. For the design of these luxury goods, they were all designed by very famous designer. Luxury not only means richness and ornateness, but also it is an artwork. "Working with art makes a brand exciting"(said Gildo Zegna). And every extra penny deserves its value, so most goods have very high quality. Workmanship is basic part of luxury goods. Sometimes the workmanship of luxury goods is breathtaking. When luxury goods came into the world, some people had changed the values of life or change the attitude toward life. It drives many people crazy. People created it, that just in order to bring change to people's lives with beauty, to accept new things and to overthrow the old secular. However, the pursuit of fashion it is not to blindly follow or unrealistically comparison. We must be the master of fashion and luxury other than to be the slave of it.