Dark circles under eye can be a pain in the neck and make you look unhealthy and tired, thus the emergency of removing it. Yes, witch hazel can help to reduce dark circles under eyes. Known as a natural astringent, witch hazel extract is a perfect side-effect-free remedy for dark circles under the eyes. It can sooth inflammation and reduce discoloration and swelling. It is very easy to use witch hazel for your dark circles. All you need is a bottle of witch hazel extract and cotton pads or balls. First, soak the cotton pad into the witch hazel extract and then apply it to the affected area. You have to leave the soaked pad on the affected area for a minimum of 20 minutes before it takes effect. Twice a day is okay, if you want to speed up the recovery. After several consecutive days of use, you will amazingly find your dark circles are beginning to fade or even disappear. Witch hazel extract is abundantly available in Health and Fitness shops or drugstores. Online retailers are also offering quality witch hazel extract. You do what you need! Good luck with the recovery!