Cat eye glasses is a kind of eyeglasses that with high angular in front of glasses frames. They are specially made for women that make them look more elegant. Till now, cat eye glasses have keep in fashion in many years. Cat eye glasses begin their history in an epoch of womanly new-look from Christian Dior, Merlin Monroe, Greis Kelly and Odri Hepburn. The fitted jacket, a magnificent skirt, a scarf on a head and cat-eye in the face is one of the most popular images of that time. Click the link, you can see how cat eyeglasses look like:,or.r_gc.r_pw.,cf.osb&biw=1366&bih=606&um=1&ie=UTF-8&tbm=isch&source=og&sa=N&tab=wi&ei=f5f2T-ODH5DBiQf98p3wBg