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What's the best time for a child to have his or her first eye exam?

I know children should have an eye exam as early as possible so that we will know whether they have suffered eye problems and then treat them in a early time. Can anyone tell me when should they have their first eye exam?
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Answers (2)

  • b0w_d0wn_2_me


    The AOA suggests that children had better have their first eye exam at 6 months because children's visual system develop rapidly at this age and they may suffer many eye disorders at birth and in a baby's first few months of life. If they get their first eye exam at this age, their vision can be corrected most effectively.
  • clur_08


    Babies should have their first comprehensive eye exam at 6 months of age to assess whether their eyes are developing normally. Children then should have additional eye tests at age 3-year-old to ensure proper eyesight and find the early sign of vision problem such as lazy eyes.

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