Yea, there is a kind of anti-fog spray named C-Clear. C-Clear anti-fog spray works as a lens cleaner and an anti-fogging spray for eyeglasses, sports masks and goggles, military masks and goggles, glass or mirrors and auto and boat windshields and windows. In addition, it stops restaurant sneeze glass and refrigerated glass displays from fogging as well. Lastly, it prevents debris and tiny dust particles from adhering to lenses, other glass or plastic surfaces.he liquid is a diluted form of the C-Clear Gel manufactured to certain specifications to be easily dispensed through the atomizer spray tops. The Gel is a semi-solid, stronger product, for hard to solve fogging issues. If you need a strong anti-fog then you will most likely need our Gel. It is much stronger than the liquid.All of our lens cleaning spray bottles contain 100% liquid C-Clear, which is biodegradable and environment friendly. Moreover, the best anti-fog spray on the market will not harm prescription lenses nor tints and protective coatings.