I'd like to give you some suggestions. but you'd better remember that every step here will be gently performed. first, you need to wash your hands with soaps carefully for a little bacteria may lead to an eye infection and make the situation went even worse. second, you need to apply lots of eye drops such as artificial tears or other safe solutions to moisten your eyeballs and contacts ant then blinking furiously. third, you can look in all directions while your eye is open. And then put a finger on your closed eyes and then move your eyeballs in all directions. we must do this gently for the skin of our eyes is delicate and the eye is even more so. fourth, after doing this for several times, you can try to remove your contacts as you usually do. once, I saw one of my friend just crying in frustration when her contacts stuck to her eye and the lens slipped out of her eyes. many people may suffer this from time to time, but if you can't handle with it, you need a pro to assist. Good luck!