Yea, staying up late is really bad for eyes. Herbalists think that liver which provides blood makes eyes see clearly. When you stay up late frequently, you consume your liver blood and are unable to reproduce it, as a result, your eyes may feel dry, painful and watering. What's more, if you read novel in middle of night in a dim light, you strain your eyes and make them fatigue. In addition to uncomfortable and watering eyes, you feel weary and cachexia because of staying up late. Meanwhile, your immunity decreases so that you are liable to catch a cold or gastrointestinal tract. Considering your health, you should pay attention your daily use of your eyes and relax regularly. Eat foods rich of vitamin A, vitamin C and vitamin E such as livers, milk, eggs, carrots, spinaches, leek, sweet potatoes, oranges, apricot, cucumbers and cabbages. You can take food containing rich omega-3 fatty acids as well to supply your eyes with enough essential nutrients. Salmon, tuna and other oily fish help.