Rosehip seed oil has abandant natural vitamin A and natural vitamin E. Also, vitamin E is recognized as an antioxidant working as peroxyl radical scavenger. The accumulation of peroxyl radicals will damage the body greatly and speed up the aging progress. Generally speaking, our body will prevent the free
radicals' propagation in tissues by its own antioxidant system. Well, the less, the better. That is why we always use rosehip seed oil for skin rejuvenation and anti-aging. Besides, it can hydrate and soften our skin by retaining moisture in the tissues of our skin. Further, as our body can not reproduce oleic, linoleic, and linolenic acids, both of which are considered as the substances that keep a normal state of our cells. So, some more delicate essential unsaturated fatty acids that high in rosehip seed oil can actually work to reduce eye wrinkles.