Sunscreen is a kind of chemical synthesis agent, which can absorbultraviolet rays and prevent the ultraviolet rays from penetrating through the skins, so as to avoid the damage that the ultraviolet rays can do to the skins. In your case, you can just use flowing and clean water to wash the sunscreen out of the eyes, and then apply some moderate eye drops that are specially intended for children's use to the eyes of your little baby, which can be helpful in easing the discomfort in the eyes. In addition, after that, you had better put the baby away from where there is powerful sunshine or strong light, in case that the eyes of the baby get irritated again. If needed, you can let the baby take in some vitamins such as vitamin A and vitamin C, which are good for the eyes. But if there is red eyes or other kinds of eye diseases, you had better go to the doctor's for medical treatment.