In recent years, young people have greater and greater possibility to get cataracts, which gradually changes the old conception that only when people get old, can they get cataracts. This is because of the great stress and overuse of the eyes in the modern society among the young people. The more people use their eyes, the more the get nearsighted, which makes the rate of getting cataracts go up. Generally speaking,the eye light of people will not change very much when they get to twenty years old. But if they suddenly suffer from higher degrees of the nearsightedness, it may be a sign of getting cataracts. The sooner the cataracts are diagnosed, the sooner they are treated, and the more possible they are successfully cured. For those who have got high myopia, they should avoid the strong ultraviolet irradiation, and they should eat foods which are rich in vitamins and proteins. Besides, people with high myopia should take exact opometry and prescription, as well as going on moderate sport training. Pay attention to allow adequate time of rest and sleep for the eyes; do not overuse the eyes.