Yes, your mono causes the blurred vision. Mono is one of the largest white blood cells volume deviation. Its nucleus is often shown pleomorphism, avoiding horseshoe kidney shape is irregular shape. It is often in fold sense. Chromatin is loose mesh and color is more pale cytoplasm and basophilic. It contains a large number of small particles which is addicted to the azure and dyed gray blue, with peroxidase blood smea. Mono anemia can occur in malignant neoplasm of malaria, leishmaniasis and parasite infection of various diseases, syphilis which can also occur sexual tuberculosis, viral hepatitis, sepsis endocarditis, hyperthyroidism and nodular diseases. Your eyes will get red easily. In addition, the more serious symptom is the dryness of the eyes and blurred vision. You need to have the good rest for the eyes, not sitting in front of the computers for a long time with little rest. You need to use the eyes drops with anti-inflammation to get rid of the bacterium and make your eyes get moisture.