A flashing light symptom in eyes, with the shape of U, is usually pulsating, and its colour appears to be an amalgam ranging from red to green or like a static on a TV. Flashing light in the eye can also be called photopsia, which could be harmless or an indicator of a serious eye problem that needs immediate treatment. Usually, flashing lights can be caused by visual migraine and detached retina, which means you may also suffer migraine and detached retina. If the flashing lights are more of a shimmer at the edge of your vision accompanied by a really bad headache in about 20 minutes then the flashing lights go away, and the flashing lights is caused by a migraine. However, if your flashing lights experience something like a curtain or veil coming down through your vision from above, which may be indicator for detached retina. Besides, trauma such as a blow to the head and digitalis toxicity can also result in flashing lights. Flashing lights sometimes are accompanied by a large number of floaters, small specks and even vision loss. Therefore, if you suffer from flashing lights you need prompt evaluation and treatment.