Usually, dehydration refers to the excessive loss of water from the body, and fluid loss may even be severe enough to become life-threatening. Besides, dehydration can also causes many bad effects on eyes. In mild and moderate dehydration, the bad effects not only on eyes but also on other organs, theses symptoms may include: dry eyes, dizziness, light-headedness, decreased urine output, muscle weakness, etc. However, when dehydration is more severe, you may go through theses uncomfortable experience:extreme thirst, extreme dry mouth and eyes, loss of elasticity in the skin, passing small amounts of dark, concentrated urine, sunken eyes, lack of sweating, fast heartbeat, low blood pressure, loss of consciousness,etc. Mild dehydration can be easily treated by drinking enough water and other fluids, such as diluted fruit juice. Life-threatening dehydration people should be immediately sent to hospital to receive treatment, which involves intravenous fluids to correct the water and electrolyte imbalance.